Friday, 29 August 2014

The future starts now

It's funny how we all have dreams for our future, dreaming about what the future holds for us. We dream about that fantastic job we are going to get when we graduate, we dream about that fantastic car, that dream house...blah, blah, blah and the list is endless.

The one that gets me the most is when I hear young people swear they would have a better life than the lives all the adults around them have. It really makes me laugh. I'm sure you are all wondering what's funny. Well, well, the truth is most of these adults had the same dreams you are having now when they were your age. So you them have to ask the question, what happened to them, well the answer we all like to give is LIFE happened, well that there is the answer. If you believe LIFE happened then honestly if your life is mediocre, then it deserves to be because obviously you are one of those who does not take responsibility for your life.

Well, on the one hand, you are right, you should not take responsibility for your life, you should really put your life in God's hands and let Him be responsible but that does not mean you do not do your part. It's all about FAITH and WORKS.

Life does not just happen, your life today is a product of the decisions you made yesterday. Your FUTURE will be a product of the decisions you make today.

Every life of an adult you see today is a result of decisions they made yesterday. People complain and complain about where they are now, yet they do not make a decision to rectify where they will be tomorrow. If you say I hate my job today, what is stopping you from changing careers, oh you might say, well that would require me to go back to school for three years, well news flash, if you don't and you are still alive in three years time, you will still be here complaining. Why not do the right thing by going back to school and be somewhere better in three years. I hear you say, oh, you don't understand what I will have to give up, well, NO SACRIFICE  NO GAIN. That's why God talked about counting the cost before embarking on building a house. But also remember, that the children of Israel spent 40 years complaining and the ones who left Eqypt never entered the promise land. Complaining gets you no where but death in the wilderness.

Where do you see yourself in the future or rather the question to ask yourself is what do I want my future to be? My advice is to sit down today, take out a pen and paper or your iPads, smart phones and write it down and then begin to take the right decisions that would get you there. No matter the cost, it will be worth it in your future. God was very clear when He said in the book of Habakkuk that we should write the vision, so that you would be able to run with it when you read it. As you write it down and trust God with it and begin to lean on God's understanding, He will direct your paths.

Quit complaining about where you are and begin to see the promised land in your future and start working towards it. As they say, the journey of a thousand years actually starts today.

I am really interested in working with anyone who is willing to take their life on as a project on a path to limitless success. Feel free to contact the LGP team.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

My Nature

I was thinking about nature today and then I started thinking about myself. Everything in nature that was created by God easily does what it was created to do. The sun shines brightly once it is out in the sky unless there is an overcast of clouds which in that case, the clouds are doing what they were created to do. Everything around us actually acts itself out, which means it does that which it was created to do.

Every product designer designs a product with a purpose in mind, the purpose of what that product is suppose to do. When you plug in a hoover, it cleans the floor, when you turn on a washing machine, it washes your clothes. When you go out in the rain without an umbrella, you expect to get wet.

When something does not do what it is supposed to do, we say it is damaged, for instance if we put dirty clothes in a washing machine and after we put it on and it goes through its full cycle but the clothes still come out dry and dirty, we say the washing machine is spoilt, it needs to be fixed.

If all of a sudden you come across a lion in the street and it runs towards you and wants to be cuddled, we would automatically say it is a freak of nature because it is out of character for a lion, needing a cuddle does not come naturally to a lion.

What am i getting at here, it is the question of nature!!! There is that thing that comes naturally to us as a human being, there is that gift in us or talent that comes to us naturally. That thing that we enjoy doing, that thing that is not a chore  to us. That thing that we passionately love doing, that we would do and even if we don't get paid for it, we would still be happy and satisfied from the joy of just being able to do that thing, that thing is our natural gift, talent, the very thing we were created to be or do, that is our NATURE.

NATURE beautifies all that is around it, NATURE feels you with satisfaction, joy unspeakable.

I leave you with one question today, what is your NATURE? In the answer to that question lies your breakthrough.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Do your research

It's funny how most times we make decisions in life that are important to us based on what people said. I have heard people say, oh it is very hard to get into a particular college or university or it is almost impossible to get into a particular career field or you can never make it in life if you choose to do something peculiar with your life. A lot of times, I always ask such people, why do they think so. It's funny that most times, the answers always start with someone said or I heard that........and this breaks my heart all the time.

This takes me back to the second post on this blog " building your road map". I always ask people what research have you personally done that influenced your decision, sad to say the answer is always none. So, let me get this straight, you want to make a decision that would affect YOUR life but YOU have done no research but YOU have concluded it is impossible then honestly YOU are setting YOURSELF up for either a life of failure or at least a mediocre life full of unhappiness.

One thing you need to bear in mind is the so called advisers after advising you are always off to meddle with someone else's life. You are always left to take RESPONSIBILITY for what happens in your life. Do not make decisions in your life based on someone else's mediocre thoughts, who by the way were not talking out of research they have done personally but probably based on what they've heard or their failures.

For any decision YOU want to make, come up with a road map. How do you come up with a road map? The answer is simple, RESEARCH! RESEARCH ! RESEARCH !

Based on your research, come up with a detailed plan on how to get from where you are to where you want to go and begin to work hard towards it. You might come across bumps, pot holes during the course of the journey on the roads, these are important to help build character in you. Every road to success is paved with pitfalls, but do not let these bumps, pit falls, road blocks or pot holes stop you. Use them as a stepping stone to getting to your destination.

Ask the right people questions, use the internet, social media.....anything at all at your disposal to do your RESEARCH

The LGP Team.

Friday, 8 August 2014

Who is to blame?

An important report had to be sent to somewhere very important. The report has been set up to automatically generate the information. The report gets sent in. A day later, it is discovered that the information that went in was not accurate. The blame game starts - the report that did not function as it was suppose to function or the person who sent the report in without analysing and checking the information contained in the report, uhmmmmm

I would really like your input and your thoughts on this.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Build your road map

Every destination begins with a journey. At the beginning of a journey, the person embarking on the journey thinks and comes up with the best route to get to their destination. If we are embarking on a journey to a destination we are not familiar with, we either rely on google maps, AA route planner or we dig out the sat nav. Its funny how every smart phone has some sort of map or sat nav app built into it. In this day and age, only a silly person would embark on a journey without having a route plan or a sat nav that would take them to their destination. My question is then, why do we sometimes embark of different journeys in our lives without a road map, route planner or a sat nav.

A lot of us have so many dreams and goals and we have no plan on how to achieve them or rather we choose to keep working towards the goals without a clear picture on how to get there, walking blindly hoping we would somehow arrive there. Well, well, I hate to burst your bubble, YOU WILL GET LOST.

My first challenge for you is therefore to write your destination down, your destination being your dream, your ambition, your goal and then draw up a map on how to get there.

If you need help drawing up a map or planning a route, please feel free to ask us here.

Looking forward to helping you out

Monday, 4 August 2014

What's on your mind

Every thing in life is designed with a purpose in mind by the creator of the thing. This network was created to help people overcome their limitations. It was created to help people become successful in their chosen careers, help young people maximise their talents, their gifts.

For the network to be effective, we will need to answer real life situation questions. My dream is for every communication on this blog to be a step further in helping someone realise their goals in life.

Please send in your questions or thoughts no matter what it is.


LGP Team


Welcome to Limitless Generation Project. I'm sure you are all wondering what the Limitless Generation is all about. This blog is borne out of my passion to see young people become everything they dream to become. I believe it is possible to be everything you have dreamed to be, no matter how hard it seems or how big the dream seems. I actually believe that a dream or vision has to be bigger than you to be called a dream or a vision. Whatever is easily achievable is definitely not a dream or a vision.

This blog aims to encourage young people to see beyond where they are and begin to see a place in the future where all their dreams are a reality.

The biggest problem we all have when it comes to realising our dreams are the power we attach to the things that we allow to hinder us - basically our LIMITATIONS. These limitations and how they can be overcome are the very reasons this blog was created.

I believe that not race, education, environment, parents, friends, background, religion or anything under the face of the earth can hinder us from achieving our dreams. The one thing I believe that hinders us is our MIND, basically we hinder ourselves by what we end up believing about the things we see as limitations. I am not saying these limitations do not exist, but I am saying these limitations can be overcome.

Please feel free to post questions and comments.

Once again, welcome to Limitless Generation Project and please spread the word.


LGP Team