Thursday, 11 December 2014

Pitfalls of not setting goals

As the year draws to an end and we look forward to 2015, I know we are all looking forward to 2015 with hope of a bigger and better year. Truth is 2015 can be a bigger and better year but only if we treat 2015 better than we treat 2014. In life, the law of sowing and reaping applies to everything, what we invest into something will eventually be a reflection of what we gain of that thing. Life is not a magic show and nothing happens by chance and life is not a product of what will be will be.

As we look to 2015, I encourage everyone to treat their 2015 better, with a little bit more respect than they have treated their previous years, actually let me rephrase that, treat your life which is actually very precious with the very respect that your life deserves. One of the ways to do that is to have a vision for your 2015 by setting goals for it. God has always expected us to have a vision for our life, to set goals, that's why it is boldly written in the scriptures, that where there is no vision, the people perish. So in order not to perish in 2015, let us all set goals and have a vision for 2015. Perishing has nothing to do with physical death, but the mere fact that you wake up everyday aimlessly, without something you are actually working towards, then you are definitely what I like to call a living dead.

There are many reasons we all do not like to set goals. Let's look at a few of them;

1. We do not know how - some people find it hard to set goals and it is mainly because a lot of times we are overthinking what we want to achieve or sometimes overreaching. The easiest way to do it is to look at every aspect of your life and first write down where you want to be in 2015 and then begin to put a timeline around it and write down what you need to do to achieve that goal. This would help break your goals into short, medium and long term goals. If you still find yourself struggling on setting your goals, then find someone who can help.

2. We are afraid  we might not achieve them - some of us do not like to set goals because we feel at
the end of the day these goals would not be achieved by us and we do not like the feeling of not being able to achieve. I can totally relate to that feeling, I have actually refused to start a project because I already have that feeling of failure from the beginning but personally I've learnt that what I feel for not even starting the project is worse than how I feel if I start and fail. It's like saying today, I won't get out of bed because I'm afraid I might not be able to get through the day. By the time you do that everyday, you end up frustrated and depressed which is how many of us feel when we do not achieve our goals in life which is that perishing that God refers to. Whenever you find yourself being afraid, think into the future and imagine the joy you would feel when that goal is achieved and let that be your motivation. From reading about successful people, I've learnt that they always feared at some point that they might fail at their vision but today here we are reading and hearing about their achievements.

3. We are afraid of hardwork.... Uhm Mr. lazy - Some of us are just plain lazy because we know that
once we set a goal and we are bound by it especially if we shared the goal or vision with someone else, we become accountable to fulfilling it. Fulfilling it requires hardwork, perseverance, staying with it through the hurdles, the road blocks, the ups, the downs, the failures, the rejections, the mockers and all these could be hard to deal with. It would take its toil on us, it would require us to keep going even when we don't feel like. So we decide, life is not that hard, why kill ourselves right!!!!!. Lazy people achieve nothing and the bible calls them wasters.

4. We like where we are..... Mr. Complacent - Some of us do not set goals because we compare ourselves to others and somehow get it into our heads that we are better than the next person and become comfortable with where we are and therefore choose to remain in one spot. It is not natural. Nothing remains in one spot, anything that remains stationary eventually begins to rot, degrade, wither or die. If you leave food in a place without touching it, it eventually perishes, stationary poles after a while begin to rust. Think of anything that remains in a spot and begin to watch it daily and see what eventually happens to it. Mr. Complacent would eventually perish after a while.

5. We believe we do not have to set goals to succeed.... Uhm Mr. Arrogant - I've met people who tell me they just achieve, they don't set goals. Oh well what can I say but never leave your life to chance because someone else would set goals for your life if you don't. Your life belongs to God and you and not chance, luck or other people.

No matter where we find ourselves in the categories above, it is better to set goals than not to. We all like to pray that our paths would shine brigher an brighter, well stop praying, start acting in accordance with God's word or rather start doing works and faith by setting goals and having a vision for your life to avoid perishing in 2015.

I leave you with this quote, " There is only one pitfall and that pitfall is FAILURE in life. One can argue that you could still get away by living an ordinary, normal, mediocre life but an ordinary, normal , mediocre life is still a life of FAILURE and an insult to the ONE who created us all and blessed us with this precious gift of life".

If you need help in setting and working towards your goals in 2015, feel free to reach out to the LGP team.