It's the beginning of the second quarter of the year. How are we all doing with our new year resolutions and all those goals that we set at the beginning of the year 2015.
for some of us we carried goals over from 2014 into 2015 and swore and promised ourselves that all these dreams, goals and ambitions would be realised before the end of the first quarter of 2015. Does that sound familiar to anyone. well if it does, then keep reading, and if it doesn't, well still keep reading, who knows when you might need this post.....
for me, the year started with a bang, i put so many things into motion and had a plan of what I wanted to achieve within a 3 month timeframe. oh well, some I have been able to meet, some I am very much struggling with, though I'm not so sure struggling is the word to use.
When we set goals and have ambitions, sometimes we tend to forget that the actualisation of these goals though dependent on us is also very much depended on outside factors, some of which we can not control.
For every goal we make up our minds to achieve, we need to remember that there is a very strong possibility that we would be met with obstacles and challenges. These obsatcles and challenges play a very big part in if we actually meet our goals in the end. Though to be very honest, how we deal with these challenges and obstacles is the final piece in the puzzle of achiveing our goals.
I can say without a shadow of doubt, we have all faced challenges and obstacles this year on the road to achieving our goals, for some of us we have been able to stand strong in the face of it all and are still pushing towards these goals even though the timing we set for ourselves might be a little off but we are still going strong and are determined to achieve against all odds. For some of us, we went into over drive mood and over time mood and still achieved it within the time frame but I'm sure you felt the dent physically, mentally and emotionally. For some of us, it took going back to the drawing board, doing more research, getting more insights while putting the dream or goal on hold for a while and for some of us, we just gave up.
For me, the first quarter of this year I have found myself in all three situations I have described above but i refuse to be in the fourth category, "THE GIVE UP" category. For me, all my experiences have made me understand the word "RESILIENCE". Truth is I have been tested to the very core of my make up this year but through it all by the grace of God, I have kept going and going and would continue to go. Why? because I have a vision that I belive in strongly, beacuse that goal that I set at the beginning of the year is something I believe in.
I have learnt that trying to get people to believe in your vision or to buy into an idea is hard and is very difficult to do. You would hear many pessimistic and negative opinions and many reasons as to why it can not be done and all the likes. There would also be some people siting on the fence, those who are not against the idea but would be willing to support when it becomes successful. Truth is I am grateful for all of them and all of these experiences because it has helped me build character, helped me go back to the drawing board, helped gather knowledge and above all it has strengthened my trust and faith in God. It has reminded me that in everything, I need to depend sole on Him.
I really have to come to understand the word "RESILIENCE".
You might be wondering what does the word "RESILIENCE" mean literally. Well "RESILIENCE" means "the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity" basically no matter the beating you take and no matter how much you fall down or no matter how hard life throws circumstances and chalenges at you, you still get back up.
I particularly like this definition "the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness."
So no matter how hard it has been this year for you to achieve a particular goal or dream, make up your mind to be "RESILIENT", hang on for a little while longer,you will be surprised how much you can achieve. The way I see it is, if you are still going to be alive tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, then you might as well keep working towards that goal and dream. Its still better than sitting around doing nothing, plus do you want to spend your life wondering what could have happened.
I feel like I also need to say for some of us to build resilience, we need to chnage our cycle of friends, people who have goals or dreams they are working towards instead of hanging around people who just want to coast through life. For some of us we need to seek out a mentor or use the internet to our advantage and start reading about the failures that successful people had to deal with.
So whether it is an exam, or a new job, a promotion, a business venture that is your dream or goal this year and you have had so many failurees this year, heard so many NOs, keep at it, get RESILIENT.