Tuesday, 14 July 2015

One Step at a Time

It's been a while since I have written anything and the funny thing is I've really missed writing but I have not been able to write because I've been struggling with what to write.

Recently, so much has been going on and because of that my mind has been running riot and anytime I try to write, I cannot actually settle on what to write on. I feel like I have so many things I really want to write on and end up not writing anything.

Truth be told it says a lot about my life situation at the moment. Life has been very busy at the moment with my normal 9 to 5 job, my triplets at home, my home front to keep and then launching a business. This does not include every other extra-curricular that I have committed to. I can probably go out on a leach and say everything else in my life apart from the new business is routine for me regardless of the challenges that come with them, somehow I can always find a solution to problems happening on the home front or at work or with my children or hubby but the new business has been a different ball game altogether.

From the inception of the idea to the launching, the business had always thrown challenges at me and my business partner, sometimes we would run into so many issues on the same day from regulatory issues to business process issues to financial issues to just agreeing on little things. When we run into issues on the same day, we sometimes get very overwhelmed by the whole thing, that knowing where to begin finding solutions become overwhelming. There have been days where we would both just ignore the issues hoping they would go away but as we all know problems never disappear till you actually solve them. There have been days when we’ve probably both contemplated quitting, funny thing is none of us has been brave enough to voice that out to each other. When we finally decided to do a test launch, which we are in the middle of, it just seems like the problems have become more but it now seems like we are handling it better. We don’t get overwhelmed by many problems when they all come at us at once, actually we are now more like, what’s the solution and most times its solution A, B and C.

I’m sure you are wondering how we have managed to get to that point of not being overwhelmed by many problems, the one thing we both have learnt throughout this journey is to take it a step at a time. Do not try to solve all the problems or even one problem in one go, it is better to take a deep breath and break a problem down into all its necessary components by thinking and working through it one component or one step at a time. Once you learn to solve a problem one step at a time and go through the right process, you don’t feel as overwhelmed anymore and it becomes easier to actually come up with a feasible solution.

Every problem in life has a solution and every obstacle in life can be overcome if only we would take a deep breath and not let the problem, issue or obstacle overwhelm us. The only way for us not to be overwhelmed is to always take things one step at a time. Think a problem through one step at a time before attempting to solve it, do not just dive in and attempt it solve it blindly. When you dive in to solve it blindly, a lot of times you end up creating more problems and make matters worse. It is better to understand the problem, issue or obstacle and then spend time thinking it through and then coming up with a solution that makes sense and would actually work. Like the popular saying goes, Rome was not built in a day, life’s problems, issues cannot be solved in a rush, take it one step at a time.